Chimera Fire
Fire protection
Who is Chimera?
According to ancient mythology, the Chimera was a fearful fire-breathing monster. The fore part of its body was a compound of the lion and the goat, and the hind part a dragon’s. According to the myth, Chimera made great havoc in Lycia until king Iobates sought for some hero to destroy it.
Chimera Fire Protection Pty (Ltd) was born of a need to halt the destruction caused by Chimera. As with the myth, one does not simply halt destruction without careful planning and strategizing

We believe that prevention is better than cure. In partnership with customers we advise and assist them by offering the best possible ways of protecting themselves, their staff, customers and investments from fire. This includes assisting, advising, designing and providing the most cost effective systems with the greatest value for money. Our approach is to provide long-term benefit, scale-ability and flexibility specifically designed for the application and risk profile in question.
The Problem We face
In 2009 for example, R 2.013 Billion worth of property was destroyed by fire in South Africa. These figures don’t even reflect the impact in terms of the loss of life which exceed 376 in 2009 and 377 in 2008 per year as a direct consequence of fire, or consequential business losses, legal action against owners of unsafe buildings and so on.
These losses are being incurred due to the lack fire safety measures, equipment, procedures and so forth which the average building requires. This trend of apathy towards fire protection if continued will lead to more fire losses in our country.
We at Chimera Fire Protection Pty (Ltd) are dedicated to providing skills and knowledge in fire protection to effectively prevent unnecessary losses by fire.

Our approach to fire safety
In order to achieve our objectives, it is our belief that a holistic approach to fire safety should be adopted. This means that all of the following aspects are adequately addressed. These include ensuring that:
- All occupants of a building can be ensured of an appropriate level of life safety by virtue of the construction and provision of emergency equipment and safety features.
- The building complies with the legal requirements (eg. National Building Regulations [SANS, BSEN, NFPA, UL, as required], occupational health and safety legislation, etc.)
- The necessary policies, procedures, people and so on are in place to handle any foreseeable emergency in the most appropriate manner possible.
- Adequate training is provided to ensure life safety and limit the loss of property in case of fire.
- The level of risk the owner is exposed to (financial, business, legal and so forth) and that it is managed and contained within acceptable limits.